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Rest In Peace, Lafitte 54 (2008-09) Charles D. "Charlie" Merritt. Born: June 1, 1951. Deceased: December 28, 2014.
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Lafitte 54 - Charlie Merritt  (Photo #7609-2D)Lafitte 54 - Charlie Merritt  (Photo #7609-2B)Lafitte 54 - Charlie Merritt  (Photo #7615A)KOL CoronationKOL CoronationKOL CoronationKOL CoronationKOL CoronationPost Dance PJ PartyKOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Court Cookout, 2008KOL Ono Island PartyKOL King and Queen PartyKOL King and Queen PartyKOL King and Queen PartyKOL King and Queen Party

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Guestbook for Charlie Merritt, RIP
Dean Hinton(non-registered)
God bless you and Donna are sorely missed.
Don Richards(non-registered)
My role model in life and Lafitte! Great man, great friend!
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